How to Tip a Gardener
29 SEP 2017

You might not be blessed with a green thumb, but having a gardener with a knack for perennials and annuals can drastically increase the curb appeal of your home. In addition to paying your gardener and giving her a friendly word of encouragement, a tip is an extra way to convey your appreciation for her work. Tip your gardener with cash or, if you know her well, opt for a gift.
1 Green Thumbs Earn Extra Green
Tip your gardener over the holidays or at the end of the growing season. Emily Post's etiquette website and CNN Money recommend giving a tip of between $20 and $50 per gardener. For the gardener who visits your home regularly, tipping up to one week's pay at the end of the season or during the holidays is appropriate. Give the tip in cash and, for an added touch, combine it with a note of thanks in which you convey your appreciation for the gardener's hard work. If you'd rather give a gift instead of cash, find something in the $20 to $50 range.