Ideas for a Research Project on Famous People

Sooner or later in your school career, a teacher will assign you to do a research project on a famous person. For a lot of kids, the hardest part of the project is choosing a famous person to research and deciding how to present what they've learned. Take some time to brainstorm and think about different ideas for a research project on famous people before you get started. Once you've decided whom you want to research, the rest of your project will fall into place.
1 Local Famous People
Every town has its share of famous people, and their stories can be very interesting. If you do a report on a famous person who was born or lived in your town, you have some exciting research options in addition to reading books about your subject. If he has any descendants still living in the area, they may be willing to talk to you about their famous relative. You may even be able to include your own photos of his birthplace, his school or the house where he lived. A research project on a famous local resident is an exciting way to learn about your town and its history.
2 A Famous Person Like You
Think about the things that are important in your life, and then find a famous person who has something in common with you. Perhaps you struggle with a learning disability. Many famous people also had to overcome challenges like dyslexia, ADHD, diabetes and asthma. If you love to run fast, you might enjoy doing a research project on a famous runner like Florence Griffith Joyner, the "world's fastest woman," or Jesse Owens, one of the most famous runners in history. A common interest or challenge can make it more fun to learn about a famous person.
3 A List of Famous People
Instead of doing research project on one famous person, put together a list of famous people who have something in common. Your common thread can be as simple as "famous people who have red hair" or "famous people who experimented with electricity." Compile your list in an interesting format that makes sense for your subject. Put together a slide show of famous redheads, for example, complete with short biographical blurbs, or a time line of famous people who experimented with electricity.