What Is a Social Mixer?

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In a diverse society, everyone comes from different backgrounds and has their own interests. Some interests are more esoteric than others, and it may be challenging to find like-minded people to socialize with as a result. Enter social mixers: These events can be organized by just anybody skilled at gathering people of similar cultural backgrounds, education, careers or interests to have a good time in a relaxed atmosphere.

1 Range of Opportunities

Social mixers can be any kind of event, ranging from a potluck dinner to a charity golf game. The point of a social mixer is to enjoy the company of others who like the same things as you do or who come from the same background as you. Social-networking websites allow you to gather people with whom you have things in common and invite them to various events. Civic, community and religious organizations also hold social mixers for opportunities such as business networking, fundraising and dating.

Maya Black has been covering business, food, travel, cultural topics and decorating since 1992. She has bachelor's degree in art and a master's degree in cultural studies from University of Texas, a culinary arts certificate and a real estate license. Her articles appear in magazines such as Virginia Living and Albemarle.
