Junior Warden Duties

Man in black jacket sitting on chair in front of brown wooden table.jpg

The Junior Warden is the second lay leader in an Episcopal or Anglican church. He is traditionally responsible for the building and maintenance and is also is an assistant to the Senior Warden.

1 Duties

The Junior Warden attends monthly vestry meetings. Some Clergy hold weekly meetings with the Senior and Junior Warden. Many parishes have an annual vestry retreat, lasting some or all of a weekend, the Junior Warden's presence is essential. His attendance at the annual meeting is important.

2 Congregational Events

The Junior Warden attends weekly and monthly congregational events. He attends coffee hours, adult education, potlucks and any fundraising events. His role is to oversee the event and make sure things go well. If he finds a problem, he steps in to solve it.

3 Leadership

The Junior Warden assists the Rector and Senior Warden in helping the vestry identify the congregation's mission and goals. She sets a tone of positive leadership and model of Life in Christ and seeks positive solutions to conflict and problems. She helps newcomers get connected to existing groups.

4 Building and Grounds

If his congregation is one that considers the Junior Warden responsible for the building, he needs to follow a routine maintenance schedule through the course of year. He oversees the annual safety checks and reviews insurance needs annually with the treasurer and an insurance agent.

5 Volunteer Coordinator

Most congregations need volunteer labor for building and grounds maintenance. The junior warden has the task of motivating the volunteers and giving them clear expectations and organization.

6 Grounded in Prayer

The junior warden prays daily for the clergy, staff and fellow members of the congregation. He nurtures his own prayer life and walks daily with Christ.

Jenny Landis-Steward has written reports for child welfare research for over 14 years. She has a master's degree in clinical psychology. She was the editor of two social service agency publications for seven years. Her economic thesis was an analysis of employment trends.
