How to Quickly Learn Remote Viewing for Free
29 SEP 2017

Remote viewing is the practice of gathering specific information about a person, place or thing by the use of extra-sensory perception. In the 1980s the government funded a $20 million research project aimed at using remote viewing to gather intelligence information about specific targets. The popularity of remote viewing has grown and is now practiced by many people of varying backgrounds. Remote viewing can be practiced by anyone willing to try. Results are often seen quickly, sometimes in the first attempt. It can be self-taught, and does not require any classes or instructors.
1 Find a quiet and secluded place
Find a quiet and secluded place. It is very important that you not be disturbed or distracted while you are remote viewing. Find a place where you can sit or lie down comfortably in silence. If you cannot find a silent place, try to find a location that has enough white noise to prevent loud noises from ruining your concentration. If you have experience in yoga or other forms of meditation, the lotus pose is recommended, although any comfortable position will do.

2 Calm your body
Calm your body. Close your eyes and relax your body. Take deep breaths and exhale slowly as you consciously relax every muscle in your body not being used in your chosen position. Breathe in through your mouth and out through your nose. It helps if you visualize the air as being colored energy. Be aware of the colored energy entering your nose, spreading through your entire body and then leaving through your mouth. Continue this until you feel a sinking feeling in your body; this normally takes from three to five minutes.
3 Clear your mind
Clear your mind. As you relax your body many thoughts will enter your head. Take every thought that comes in and push it out of your mind. Concentrate on cleansing your mind from all worries and anxieties. If you find it difficult to clear your mind, continue to concentrate on your breathing. Count your breaths and focus on nothing else. Continue this for two to five minutes or until you feel that you can control your thoughts.
4 Concentrate
Concentrate on what you want to remote view. Think of a location close to you or a unique, tangible item that you do not know much about and that you can use to check the success of your experience. This will be your target. Hold all of your attention on that single target. If your attention strays, calmly bring it back and continue focusing. Picture your mind as a black canvas and let your subconscious mind fill the canvas with details about the target. Consciously take note of everything that enters your mind. Look for details, such as color, shape, texture, smell and emotions. Do not try to force the feelings or impressions that come to your mind; just let your subconscious do the work.

5 Record your observations
Record your observations. Once you think you have gathered enough information, open your eyes and let your mind return to everyday life. Open your notebook and write down everything that came to your mind about the target. If you think you have enough information, try to sketch or guess what you experienced while remote viewing. Write down specific information and remember to include as many details as you can.
6 Check your success
Check your success. Physically go to your object or location and check for similarities between what is really there and what you saw while remote viewing. If you see similarities between reality and your subconscious, you can be sure that you have successfully remote-viewed. As you continue to practice remote viewing, you will gradually increase in the accuracy of your predictions.