How to Have Psychic Visions

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Most people are skeptical of others claiming to be psychic---having the ability to see into the future or to witness paranormal activity. Julia Jablonski, professional clairvoyant, believes that everyone inherently has some varying degree of psychic ability. She compares it to the ability to draw or play sports; everyone is capable, but without practice, the ability varies with each person. With enough patience, practice and determination, anyone can become an artist or athlete. Jablonski says that psychic visions are no different and has created an outline to help develop your inherent psychic abilities.

1 Meditate

Meditate. Meditation is the practice of focusing one's energy on complete awareness. Practice meditating in a quiet room by yourself. Allow yourself to shut out mundane thoughts and worries of the day and focus on that exact moment instead.

2 Perfect your inner vision

Perfect your inner vision. Pick an object at random in your home. Study the object in your hands. Be aware of its subtle intricacies, as well as its general appearance and feel. Close your eyes and picture the object. Remember the intricacies. Open your eyes and repeat this exercise until the picture in your mind matches exactly the object in front of you.

3 Envision color

Envision color. Close your eyes and picture the different colors of the rainbow, one by one. For example, picture nothing but red, then picture objects that are red, and return to simply the color red. Repeat this with the rest of the colors of the rainbow: orange, yellow, green, blue and violet.

4 Picture your child or significant other

Picture your child or significant other. Close your eyes and picture that person's face, trying to imagine every little detail.

5 Picture a close relative

Picture a close relative, someone who you don't see on a daily basis but remains close in your life. Jablonski suggests asking to yourself how that person feels or what that person is doing and allow yourself to perceive the answer as it comes. She says to ignore the rational part of your brain, and don't allow yourself to guess based on factors you may already know. Allow the different perceptions to take place whether they come in colors relating to feelings, symbols or pictures.

6 Repeat these exercises

Repeat these exercises to become better at perceiving feelings and energies. Ask different questions; the more you care about the answer, the more energy is involved.

J.S. Copper began writing professionally in 2008, specializing in technology, running and health-related topics. He has worked with a handful of technology websites providing tutorials, tips and tricks. Prior to writing, Copper worked in Web design
