Men's Ministry Ideas for a Church Breakfast
29 SEP 2017

Ministry groups often host different social events for their members throughout the year. These events are generally religious and spiritual in nature, but they also cater to the diverse interests of the people in the group. Men gathering for a ministry breakfast might enjoy some creative ideas infused into the program.
1 Presentations
Invite a guest speaker or a minister from the church to speak to the men during the breakfast. The speaker could make a presentation on a specific aspect of being a Christian man, such as how to act as a Christian father and raise faithful children. Once the lecture is over, the men should be invited to discuss the ways in which they already act as Christians in their daily lives and areas where they need to improve.
2 Other Church Members
Inviting other members of the church community to attend a gathering will demonstrate what the men's ministry does and perhaps even inspire the guests to start their own ministry. For example, in June, you could ask everyone to bring along his father, son, or brother. Invite the men to bring their mothers or wives during the month of May, near Mother's Day. Another option might be to host a family breakfast during the Christmas or Thanksgiving season.
3 Raffles and Prizes
Sponsor a raffle at one of the men's ministry breakfasts and donate the money to a charity or put it toward a new project for the church. One idea is to raffle off items that have to do with other ministry projects, such as raffling off baseball caps before a trip to a local sporting event. Another idea is to raffle off prizes that have to do with upcoming holidays, such as a set of barbecue tools before Memorial Day or the Fourth of July.
4 Ice Breakers
Host a breakfast to introduce all of the men in a new church or a new church group to one another. One novel way to make introductions is to have each person write a fact about himself and put it inside of a balloon. Blow up the balloons and place in a container. Have each person pull out a balloon, pop it, and let the group guess whom the fact belongs to. Another idea is to ask everyone to bring his favorite T-shirt to the breakfast and explain to the rest of the group how the shirt represents his personality.