How to Find High School Classmates

Several years after high school graduation you start to wonder what happened to some of your classmates. Maybe you want to find a few of them and share some memories. Maybe you want to organize a class reunion. There are a few ways you can find your old classmates. The Internet makes this job much easier.
- Computer with Internet access
1 Create an account on
Create an account on (see Resources below). This is the easiest way to find old classmates and get everyone together for a reunion. You will be able to view everyone from your class who has already signed up for the site. Since it is a popular website, you are very likely to find a good number of your classmates there.
2 Use
Use (see Resources below) to find classmates who have not registered with This website allows you to search by high school and to do a people search. Just type in the name of the school or the name of the classmate you are looking for in the search box on the homepage, and click "search".
3 Check the School News directory
Check the School News directory (see Resources below). There are more than 30,000 schools listed there, so you have a good chance of finding some classmates. First, select your state. Second, select the letter of the city your school was in. Third, click on your city and then your school. You can now fill in your information and gather the information of some of your classmates.
4 Check MySpace and Facebook
Check MySpace and Facebook (see Resources below). These are the most commonly used websites, and chances are your classmates have their photos and info up. They may not have their address or phone number, but they will have an email address you can use to contact them. You can also contact them through the site. Just use the people search, and type in the name of the person you are looking for.
5 Put an ad in the newspaper
Put an ad in the newspaper. You will need to include the name of the school and the year of graduation. Let the readers know that you are looking for the contact information of your classmates for a reunion. Make sure the ad is in a newspaper in the town of your school. Parents of the classmates may read it, and give you a call with their info.
- Start a chain. Call the classmates you have info for and recruit them to get contact info for the classmates they have stayed in touch with. Have those people do the same until you have everyone's information.