How to See Less Notifications from Someone on Facebook

The Facebook popularity contest can pull you in, with the social networking juggernaut making it easy to collect friends from all over the world -- but you may find that keeping up with those friends becomes more than you can handle. When someone starts to post too much about online gaming achievements, annoying updates on every single meal consumed or anything else you don’t want to see, you can activate your option to reduce that friend’s notifications. You’ll still maintain your friend connection, but can reduce reading clutter.
1 Via the News Feed
2 Log
Log in to Facebook and click the Facebook icon to get to your news feed.
3 Scroll
Scroll to the person whose notifications you wish to reduce. Click his hyperlinked name, to the right of the profile picture, to open his homepage.
4 Hover over the Friends
Hover over the Friends drop-down menu displaying a check mark noting that you are friends and click “Settings” from the pop-up menu.
5 Click Most Updates
Click “Most Updates” if you have “All Updates” selected. Click “Only Important” if you have “Most Updates” already selected.
6 Uncheck
Uncheck any of the notification categories you don’t want to receive.
- You can also perform this function directly from your Friends list. Once you log in, click Friends and then click the name of the person, which brings you to his page. Follow the same steps here, starting with step 3 above.
- The person whose notifications you limit will not receive any notice regarding your actions.
- You can also take the ultimate step and stop all notifications from the person.