The GPA Requirements for NYU Silver School

New York University’s Silver School of Social Work offers a content-rich curriculum and plenty of in-depth learning focused opportunities for their students. If you want to pursue an education in the social work field, you must prove to Silver School that you have the knowledge, maturity, respect and commitment it takes to do well in the program. The combination of your grades and educational background, plus personal abilities and attributes will help determine if you are right for Silver.
1 Undergraduate Degree Programs
Silver does not stipulate a minimum GPA for undergraduate admission. However, you must submit an official copy of your high school transcripts and college entrance exam scores for review. An undergraduate application, teacher recommendation letter, high school report/counselor recommendation form and personal statement will complete your NYU application.
2 Graduate Degree Programs
Silver doesn’t mandate a minimum GPA for admission to its graduate programs; the school's catalog indicates that the average GPA for Silver’s entering MSW students is 3.4. Taking the GRE exam is optional, but a high GRE score may help offset low coursework grades. Prospective Ph.D. students, however, are required to submit GRE scores.