GPA Requirements for William and Mary Graduate School

Located in Williamsburg, Virginia, William and Mary University is the second-oldest college in the United States, according to the school's website. Its graduate program "Admission Requirements" page indicates that the typical minimum GPA needed to get into graduate school is 3.0. However, different graduate programs within the university may accept students with GPAs below 3.0 if the rest of their application materials show merit.
1 Specific School GPAs
On its graduate program page, the William and Mary School of Education indicated its 2012 to 2013 class had an average undergraduate GPA of 3.4. In its profile of the Mason School of Business, "Bloomberg Businessweek" indicated an average undergrad GPA of 3.3 for admitted grad students. Liberal arts graduate programs typically have requirements closer to the 3.0 threshold, and the law school typically accepts students with a median GPA of 3.74.