Christian Education Degree Programs in North Carolina
26 SEP 2017

Turn your passion for ministry into a life’s vocation by completing a degree in Christian education. Christian education graduates follow careers as children’s workers, youth ministers, directors of church education programs, missionaries or teach in higher education. These Christian education programs range from associate to doctoral programs, giving prospective students options for different levels for Christian education.
1 An Associate in Christian Education
The Baptist-orientated Piedmont International University of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, offers an associate degree in early childhood education, training students in the teaching and care of preschool age children. Students learn to apply a Biblical philosophy to early childhood education, integrating Biblical truth into the curriculum and designing developmentally appropriate instruction. The African-American-orientated and Baptist-affiliated Apex School of Theology of Durham, North Carolina, offers an associate degree in Christian Education with coursework in Old Testament, 20th Century African-American authors, church administration in the African-American church and social issues.
2 Bachelor's Degree Programs
The nondenominational Laurel University of High Point, North Carolina, offers a bachelor’s degree in Christian school teacher education, preparing the graduate to educate children in the Christian worldview with Biblical perspectives. Graduates will meet elementary teacher certification requirements of the Association of Christian Schools International. Students also have an option to obtain state certification. The Churches of Christ-affiliated Mid-Atlantic Christian University offers a bachelor's degree in youth and family ministry where the graduates help young people and families develop Christian values. This program prepares students for ministry, such as campus or youth ministry, adoption and foster care, gerontology or government social services.
3 Master's Degree Programs
The nondenominational Carolina Christian College of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, offers an accelerated non-traditional instructional-track master’s degree in religious education, preparing students for the role of director of Christian education and related ministries with a focus on the African-American community. The program offers two specializations: pastoral care and Christian education, preparing the student to design effective gospel communication in worship, evangelism and education. The United Methodist-affiliated Pfeiffer University of Charlotte, North Carolina, offers a master’s program in practical theology with specializations, such as Christian education and age level ministries, church administration or missions and evangelism. The program combines practical ministry and academically rigorous theology. Course delivery is offered in weekly, weekend-intensive and online formats, allowing students to continue their career and pursue a degree.
4 Doctorate in Christian Education
Duke Divinity School of Durham, North Carolina, offers the Doctor of Theology, or Th.D. A doctorate in religion can be obtained through the Duke University Graduate Program in Religion, preparing graduates to teach and conduct research in higher education. Students in the Th.D. program craft a primary concentration, such as Christian education or a certificate in areas like prison studies or Anglican studies, while the Ph.D. program offers areas of study in American religion or early Christianity. The Baptist-affiliated Campbell University Divinity School of Buies Creek, North Carolina, offers a Doctor of Ministry program, preparing graduates already involved in ministry in such areas as vocational ministry, preaching or Christian education. Students build professional competence in ministry, increase their knowledge and skills and deepen their understanding of their ministry.
- 1 Pfeiffer University: Charlotte Campus, Academics, Graduate Programs, Practical Theology, Master of Arts in Practical Theology
- 2 Duke University: Duke Divinity School, Academics, Degrees
- 3 Duke University: Graduate Program in Religion, Academics
- 4 Campbell University: Divinity School, Degree Programs, Doctor of Ministry