How to Check Someone's GED

If you need to check the General Education development diploma of a job application, you may have to wait a few days. If an applicant does not have a copy of their diploma, you must contact the state board where the GED was issued. Most states will need a release of information form completed and won't give a verbal verification.
Determine in what state the person received their GED. Look up the agency that administers the test in that state on the American Council on Education (ACE) website. ACE is the governing agency over the GED exam.
Locate the link to request GED results and print the application. Complete the application and have the person sign, giving their permission to release this information.
Send in the form as requested. Several states have discontinued accepting it via fax and require that you mail this form in. Follow the instructions and send the GED request form to the mailing address listed on the website. Enclose a check for any applicable fees.
Wait to received the verification of GED. This could take up to 10 days after your request form is received.