How to Make an Authorization Letter to Get a Diploma

A college official handing a diploma to a cap and gown-clad graduate at a graduation ceremony is not always an accurate depiction of how a graduate receives her diploma. Many colleges and universities do not release diplomas until some time after the school's graduation exercises. The Registrar's Office is usually in charge of releasing diplomas and is the first place you should check when you want your diploma. If you are unable to personally pick up your diploma, in most cases you can authorize someone else to get it for you.
Check with your registrar's office to see if they have a diploma release authorization form, and if there are any diploma release fees. Make sure you are fully paid up at the bursar's office, and there are no library or other outstanding fees.
State your name, address and student identification number in your authorization letter. Indicate the type of degree you earned, and the semester and year in which it was granted.
Identify the person you are authorizing to pick up your diploma, and state your relationship to him or her. Sign and print your name at the bottom of the letter, and place the date next to your signature.