How Can I Show a Man I'm Interested?

You want the man you are interested in to know that you are attracted so he will pursue you. Sending a man the right signals lets him know that you won’t reject him when he approaches you.
1 Set the Stage
Send signals of attraction by flirting with him and being in places where he hangs out, writes Michael Dean in “How Do I Let a Man Know I’m Interested?” Smile, laugh at his jokes and touch him gently on the arm or hand as you face each other. Ask his opinion about something and then listen to his answer. Linger behind when others walk away to give him a few minutes to make his move. If you are friendly and willing to respond to his overtures, he’s more likely to continue the pursuit.
2 Your Body Talks
Your body sends signals, writes behavioral investigator Vanessa Van Edwards in “The Body Language of Attraction” for the Huffington Post. Stand or sit with your body open and facing him, hands visible and down rather than across your body. Look up and in his direction, catching his eyes before you look away. Tilt your head, giving him a clear look at your profile and neck. When he approaches you, your pulse and breathing will speed up a little, flushing your face in an attractive manner.
3 Moving Forward
Open your eyes wide, suggests anthropologist Helen Fisher in “The Biology of Attraction” for Psychology Today. Preen and flick your hair; lick your lips to call attention to your face. Giggle as you listen to him. Lean in to let him know that you are hanging on his every word. Mirror his body language, picking up your glass when he picks up his or crossing your legs when he crosses his.
4 Verbally Invite His Attention
Ask him questions that allow him to reveal something about himself, suggests Dean. Let him know you’re listening by asking for more details or revealing something about yourself. Don’t require him to carry the whole conversation. Throw him a few clues that indicate that you would go out with him and where you might like to go, such as asking him about an upcoming concert or movie or if he is tried that new restaurant in town.