How to Activate Text-to-Speech for Kindle on a Droid

Smartphones can store e-books, and certain apps will read the text out aloud.
... Visage/Stockbyte/Getty Images

If you own a smartphone and love reading books, then you'll want the Kindle app, which solves the issue of carrying paper books and gives you instant access to where you last left off while reading. Thanks to the innovative nature of technology, text-to-speech capabilities exist that allow you to listen to your e-books even while driving or on the go.

1 Enabling Text-to-Speech

2 Open Google Play

Open Google Play or visit the Amazon App Market and search for text-to-speech apps. If you already have the Kindle app installed, it still needs the added functionality of a third-party app. Common options include Google Text-to-Speech, Classic Text-to-Speech Engine and IVONA Text-to-Speech HQ (links in Resources). Examples here use Google Text-to-Speech.

3 Download and install the app

Download and install the app.

4 Navigate to Settings

Navigate to "Settings," "Language & Input" and then "Text-to-speech output."

5 Select Google

Select "Google Text-to-Speech Engine" as your "Default engine."

6 Select a Language from the options offered

Select a Language from the options offered.

7 Now that the TTS functionality is installed

Now that the TTS functionality is installed, open the e-book you want read to you.

8 Press the Menu'' button

Press the "Menu" button.

9 Select Start Text to-Speech

Select "Start Text-to-Speech" from the Menu option. The voice will begin to read the book's text out aloud.

Ryan Goodrich has been writing technology and technical articles for a vareity of online and service-based companies since 2008. He's written content for websites like TopTenREVIEWS and TechNewsDaily, in addition to many other website. He holds a Bachelor of Science in English and a master's degree in communication and works as a technical writer.
