How to Write a Proposal for an Orientation Training Program

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New hires, military volunteers, college freshmen and other people who are new to an organization generally require some form of orientation to learn the organization's structure, rules, and expectations. The orientation may be brief and informal, or it may be a very formal process that takes several hours or even days. If you're familiar with an organization that currently doesn't have a good orientation program, you can write a proposal to implement one.

Define the scope of your program. List the number of people served and your goals. Limit your goals to two or three broad, lofty goals, and avoid specifics. For a college freshman orientation program, for example, "Prepare students to function as fully participating members of the school's academic community" is a good goal; "teach students how to register for courses and observe add-drop deadlines" is far too detailed.

Write the justification statement, a clearly articulated declaration of why the institution needs this program. The use of statistics and governmental regulations is highly recommended in this part of the document.

Develop a mission statement that dovetails with the educational goals. The goals and mission statement should express the spirit of the program.

List 10 to 15 attainable, measurable and quantifiable objectives. Likely objectives of a college freshman orientation program, for instance, would include students being able to find the campus bookstore, explain any curfews and describe the course registration process. The objectives should also support the goals statement. After the objectives are listed, outline the program's overall scope.

Prepare a budget for the program. After a scope statement and supporting objectives, the budget should break each item down financially. The budget must be reasonable for the size of institution.

Prepare a sustainability statement and evaluation area of the document. The sustainability statement will provide support for why this program has a future in the institution. The evaluation document will provide a statistical basis for how program results can be tested and reviewed mathematically.

Prepare an engaging presentation using a program like PowerPoint and practice it before you actually present it to your audience.

Consolidate all your documents in a single file or folder. Print them out and provide a hard copy for review by your target audience. Documents should be succinct, mathematically accurate and intelligently written.

Jeremy Carr started writing books and articles in 1997 and began editing books for other authors in 2005. He has published "Mentally Ill Molly" and "Alien Slave Ship" on Amazon. His expertise is in business and science fiction. He holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Michigan. Carr loves to travel and has visited more than 30 countries.
