Federal Grants for Roads
6 OCT 2017

You can find funding for roads and transportation in a number of government organizations, including the Department of Transportation and the Department of the Interior. But you should also consider general infrastructure grants that often encompass a variety of need-based programs, including public roads and U.S. highway systems.
1 Highway Planning and Construction Program
The Highway Planning and Construction Program is run through the Department of Transportation and covers the comprehensive maintenance and construction of highway systems in the continental U.S. and in other U.S. territories such as Guam and Puerto Rico. The program provides money for road repair in normal conditions and in the face of natural disasters, and also supports the planning and development of efficient, interconnected road systems. Funding is provided to state transportation departments and usually is restricted to publicly accessed roads. Acceptance/rejection time ranges between one and five months. Total grants for 2009: $37.849 million.
Federal Highway Administration 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE Washington, DC 20590 202-366-0660 fhwa.dot.gov
2 Grants for Public Works and Economic Development Facilities
The Grants for Public Works and Economic Development Facilities provide funding for the construction of infrastructure projects, such as industrial access roads, that maintain or promote jobs and investments in the private sector. The goal of the program is to attract new industry and technology through careful planning and construction. Any political subdivisions of a state (cities, counties) are eligible, and must submit a complete application package to the Economic Development Administration, part of the Department of Commerce. Applicants will be notified of acceptance or rejection within 120 days. For 2009, total grants exceeded $129 million.
Economic Development Administration U.S. Department of Commerce 1401 Constitution Ave., NW Suite 7800 Washington, DC 20230 202-482-4085 eda.gov
3 Road Maintenance-Indian Roads Program
Funded by the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Department of the Interior, the Road Maintenance-Indian Roads Program provides money for the maintenance of public roads that access Indian reservations. The program covers paved, dirt, and gravel roads, along with bridges and airstrips, and focuses on school bus routes. In addition to road maintenance, the program funds snow removal and road de-icing and other natural impediments. Only federally recognized Indian Tribal Governments and individual American Indians are eligible. Tribes must submit a needs request in order to receive funds. Total funding for 2009 exceeded $7 million.
Office of Public Affairs Department of the Interior 1849 C Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20240 202-208-3710 federalgrantswire.com/road-maintenanceindian-roads.html