How do I Transfer Credits From the Philippines?

American colleges set their own admission policies on accepting transfer credits from foreign institutions. Even well-recognized places—such as the University of Santo Tomas in the Philippines, which was founded 25 years before Harvard—are subject to review. Credits from highly regarded schools, such as Far Eastern University, University of the Philippines or Mapua Institute of Technology, may be easier to transfer than a more obscure school.
The National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) is an association of companies that evaluate and report foreign credits to American college registrar offices.
Choose a company that you want to work with from the NACES website.
Download the Course by Course Evaluation Form and complete it with your personal information and the requested course information. Add the names and address of the colleges where you want the evaluation to be sent.
Mail the form to the company, along with all related Filipino-language documents and certified English-language translations. Include payment for the processing.
Forward the completed evaluation after you receive it to your colleges of choice if the company did not directly mail it to them.
Call the registrar’s office and request a time and date to go over the evaluation with a counselor. Understand that the college has the final decision over which credits it will accept and the weight given to them.