How to Become an Ordained Minister in North Carolina
29 SEP 2017

Ordained ministers are members of the religious community authorized by their church and state of residence to perform weddings, baptisms and to preside over funerals. Becoming an ordained minister in North Carolina can involve a number of steps, or simply filling out a form online, depending on the specific church through which you want to become ordained. The state of North Carolina accepts ordinations from any church.
Select a church through which you want to become ordained. Each church has individual requirements for ordination that you will need to research and complete.
Fulfill the requirements for ordination at your church. Some denominations will require you to complete seminary school and earn a degree in religious studies or theology. You might also need to complete on-site pastoral training at your North Carolina church, or complete an apprenticeship with a more experienced minister. If you select an online church, you will simply need to fill out the forms with your correct legal information, and pay the fee, if there is one.
Wait for your church to mail you a certificate of ordination.
Contact the county in North Carolina in which you have become ordained before performing any wedding ceremonies to make sure your certificate is valid and up to date.