How to Get Your Friend to Stop Texting You All the Time

Text messaging will be much more enjoyable when done in moderation.
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If your friend texts you all the time, you may want to let her know that her text messages are excessive. A 2010 study on Pew Internet found that half of teens surveyed sent 50 or more text messages each day. Because many people spend large amounts of time on their phones, your friend may think it is normal and acceptable. You worry about hurting her feelings, but also about getting in trouble with your supervisor at work or your teacher at school. Until you are honest, she will never stop.

1 Set Limits

Even though your friend's constant text messages may be exhausting, you most likely do not want to stop texting her completely. You may be happy with a limited amount of text messages each day. For example, 10 texts may be all you can handle. That's enough to catch up with your friend, but not so much that you feel overwhelmed. The number of texts you can handle may vary depending on your circumstances. Let your friend know your limit.

2 Explain the Circumstances

Let your friend know the reason you cannot text all the time. You may be in class and her texts are getting you in trouble. Perhaps your boss has scolded you for texting during work. You might not have unlimited text messaging, and your friend's behavior is costing you. Technology is also a concern for many parents, according to Doris Bowman, a parenting coach. By explaining the valid reasons she cannot text all day, she will learn that her behavior is unacceptable.

3 Meet in Person

Your friend may want to build a relationship. She texts because you do not see each other often. Make it a goal to hang out with her so that you can talk face-to-face instead of on the phone. Texting habits are not a good way to negotiate a relationship, according to Kim Schneiderman, psychotherapist. You will enjoy a better friendship if you look each other in the eyes.

4 Cut Off Contact

If your friend does not listen, cut off communication by blocking her number or getting a new number. If her text messages interfere with your life, they need to end. If you wish to remain friends, explain in person that you cannot deal with excessive texting but would be willing to spend time with her.

Kristen Moutria has a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from Evangel University. She is currently pursuing her Master of Arts in education from the University of Nebraska.
