How to Write a Speech for a Vice President in Middle School

Writing a speech is similar to writing a basic essay. The speech will have a clear introduction, body and conclusion. By writing your speech beforehand, you will be able to draft it and perfect it so it includes all your major points and goals. By rereading and reviewing the speech, you could also work in personal touches and bits of humor, which will make the speech more appealing to your classmates. As the vice president will work under the president and likewise closely with him, an important point to illustrate in the speech is your ability to work on a team and as a support person.
1 Write a greeting for the audience
Write a greeting for the audience, specifically naming the grades present, other candidates, teachers and administration.
2 Introduce yourself
Introduce yourself, relaying your name, grade and the position you are running for, vice president.
3 Make a comment
Make a comment that will relate to the students you are addressing and/or evoke a laugh. For example, "Thank you all for sacrificing time in your second period class to attend this speech. I'm sure you are all sad to miss a math lesson."
4 Delve into your goals and aspirations
Delve into your goals and aspirations as vice president. State a few main goals you hope to achieve and a brief description of how you will accomplish them.
5 Relay your strong ability
Relay your strong ability to work as a team member and ways you will prove to be an asset to the middle school class president.
6 Explain to the group
Explain to the group your credentials for serving as the class vice president. Reference your leadership skills in the classroom and/or on a sports team. Include a note on your ability to work as a team, such as in sports or in a class project.
7 Conclude the speech
Conclude the speech by summing up all your major points, goals and qualifications. Add a personal note on what the position will mean to you and how you are eager to serve as a voice for the class. End by thanking the group for their attention and encourage them to talk with you if they have questions or concerns. This shows you are willing and eager to communicate with them personally.