How to Write a Career Autobiography

A career autobiography, also known as a professional biography, should include a personal introduction, information about your most recent employment and any past experiences related to the job you're applying for. Discuss any work-related leadership roles and professional memberships you've held. Briefly explain your educational background and list your current contact information. A career autobiography is a prose-style summary of your work experiences. Employers generally will request a professional biography if they want one in addition to -- or in place of -- a resume.
1 Use the Third-Person Point of View
Write your professional biography in the third-person point of view. The goal is to make your career accomplishments sound as objective as possible.
For example, write, "Ann Brown is a third-grade teacher in Arlington, Texas, and spends her summers developing curriculum for the Texas Department of Education." Always start your career autobiography by introducing yourself, including your name, current job title and any work-related information that identifies your professional responsibilities.
2 Share Your Professional Journey
Explain how personal and professional experiences have shaped your career. Focus on the most important experiences to keep your bio to less than one page; employers should be able to quickly identify key elements of your professional journey. Discuss ways you overcame challenges as you pursued your current career path. For example, write, "After losing her job with a magazine publisher when the company downsized, Ann followed her dreams of becoming a novelist and an author of children's books."
3 Focus on Leadership Opportunities
Highlight leadership roles you've held and professional organizations you've joined. When possible, use numbers and statistics to support your leadership achievements. For example, write, "Ann served two terms on the Wood County Board of Education as treasurer and helped cut spending by 16 percent." Your career biography should explain how you successfully made improvements, increased productivity or strategized new developments. Discuss your hobbies and volunteer contributions outside of work to showcase your community involvement, leadership skills and diversity, recommends Forbes.
4 Provide Your Contact Information
End your career autobiography with your personal contact information. List your address, telephone number and email address so employers have several ways to contact you. Provide hyperlinks, such as your LinkedIn profile, so hiring managers can research more information about you. Avoid listing your Facebook profile or any other social networking avenues that don't appear completely professional. When possible, include a professional photo, such as a head shot, with your professional bio, suggests Forbes. These additions help you come across as a sincere, authentic job applicant.