How to Create a Brag Sheet

High-school students often create brag sheets to give to teachers, counselors, coaches and personal references who will be writing letters of recommendation to college admissions boards on their behalf. Some students create brag sheets for personal use when developing a resume. A brag sheet is a one- to two-page list of academic and extracurricular accomplishments. As a student, you can list your achievements by category, using bullet points, or condense the material into a spreadsheet. Avoid writing in complete sentences, and use brief descriptive phrases to explain your achievements.
1 Gather and Organize Information
Get your transcripts from your guidance counselor, including your cumulative grade point average. Gather documentation, including dates and scores, for any college-preparedness tests you took, such as the ACT, SAT or Advanced Placement exams. Put these documents in a folder so you can refer to them when you make your brag sheet.
2 Create a Resume-Like Heading
Start your brag sheet with a formal heading like the one you would put at the top of a resume. State your first and last name, address, telephone number and email address. Below your heading, list your academic GPA, standardized test scores -- including SAT subject tests if you took any -- and the total number of semesters you've completed. You can list your weighted and unweighted GPA if your school separates the two. Include the expected month and year of graduation.
3 Discuss Future Plans
Use the title "Future Goals" or "Future Plans" as your first subheading. All subheadings, bullets and text on your brag sheet should be justified to the left margin of the page. You can write in complete sentences for this first category if it helps you better explain your future plans. List the colleges you're applying to, any possible academic majors you plan to study and career paths or jobs you would like to pursue. Don't worry that you might change your mind down the road.
4 List Academic Honors and Awards
List all high school honors and awards in a subcategory titled "Awards and Achievements" or "Honors and Awards." State the award you received and the grade you were in when you received it. For example, you might list "Principal’s Honor Roll (12, 11, 10, 9)" or "National Honor Society (12, 11)." Include all awards -- academic and extracurricular -- such as "Scholar Athlete Award – Varsity Basketball (12, 11, 10)" or "State Science Fair Finalist (9)."
5 Detail Extracurricular Activities
Discuss your extracurricular activities and briefly list the name of the organization, the grade you were in when you participated, the estimated hours you worked and your primary responsibilities. For example, you might write, "Yearbook Editor (12, 11) (120 hrs.) -- reviewed content and designed layout," "Student Body Government [Treasurer] (12) (100 hrs.) -- kept financial records and organized monthly meetings" or "Volunteer at Habitat for Humanity Store (12, 11, 10) (140 hrs.) -- worked as cashier and helped with inventory."
6 Cite Character Qualities
List important character qualities and personality traits that should help you succeed in college or a new job. Be specific. For example, you might list qualities such as your willingness to work hard, meet deadlines, lead or organize groups and get involved in community or volunteer efforts. You might use this section to discuss any obstacles you've overcome, such as a learning disability, being raised by a single parent or overcoming adversity.