How to Write a Career Essay

A career essay is a short composition about a specific job for which you are currently studying and training. It may also be a research piece about a career that interests you. When writing this type of essay, maintain specificity to the topic and include pertinent information about job opportunities, benefits, and potential for growth.
1 Write the introduction
Write the introduction. You do not need to give lengthy biographical information about yourself except how it relates to the career you have chosen to write about. Begin with a paragraph that defines the career and tells the reader the main reason you are interested in this particular one. Include special skills and knowledge you possess that make this career especially suited to you.
2 Write the body of the essay
Write the body of the essay. This section ideally consists of at least three paragraphs. They should be five to seven sentences long and emphasize three main points as to why you chose this career such as the duties and responsibilities associated with the career, importance of the job to society, and potential for advancement and growth.
3 Write the conclusion
Write the conclusion. It should leave a strong impression on the reader about your career intentions. Include your general plans for achieving your aspirations and end with your long-term goals, including where you see yourself in this career in 10 or 20 years. The conclusion can be effectively written in one or two short paragraphs.
4 Revise and edit the essay
Revise and edit the essay. After you have proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes, have a friend or parent read it to check for clarity. Ask them to identify any parts that need improving so that you can reword accordingly. Since staying on topic is key to the success of this essay, re-read your work before you submit it for grading. Be sure each sentence pertains to the career and supports the main idea of the corresponding paragraph.