Topics to Discuss With Your Big Sister

Although you may disagree from time to time, your big sister can serve as a guide to help you navigate through life. From dealing with your first broken heart to shaping your future, you can discuss many topics with her. Big sisters are often able to provide wisdom, support and encouragement to younger siblings.
1 Dating Difficulties
Talk to your big sister when you need advice on the do’s and don’ts of dating. Siblings are better than parents at teaching you how to act "cool" around peers, according to studies by Laurie Kramer, a University of Illinois researcher. Your sister can help you figure out the right words to say if you’re nervous about talking to a potential love interest. She may even be able to help you pick out the perfect outfit to wear on a first date.
2 Friendship Fall Outs
Siblings learn about relationships by dealing with one another, notes Judith A. Myers-Walls, Ph.D. With time, you will find that few people know you better than your siblings. This is why discussing your friendships with an older sister can be helpful. Perhaps you are experiencing conflict with a close friend. Ask your sister to be your sounding board and help you sort out the issue. Her advice may be the key to mending the fence with your friend and preventing future fall outs.
3 Family Matters
When conflict arises between you and another sibling, or even one of your parents, enlisting your big sis as a neutral party can help clear the air. Tell her how you are feeling about the situation and ask for her honest opinion on how to handle the issue. She may have dealt with the same kind of family matter when she was your age and can provide you with helpful tips on how to work through it.
4 Get a Life
As you get older, you may find it difficult to make major life decisions on your own. For example, choosing the right college to attend and determining what steps to take after you are accepted might feel overwhelming to you. Talking to your big sister about your options can make the decision-making process easier. If she has a career path that you admire, talk to her about what steps she took to advance her career. Ask her for suggestions on how to meet new people, find new job opportunities and create a career you will enjoy.