Rebuilding Your Life After a Breakup

Following a breakup, you may feel like your life is over. It may be hard to get out of your bed in the morning, motivate yourself to go to school or find pleasure in the activities you used to enjoy. While it may not feel like it, it is possible to rebuild your life after a breakup, by making yourself and your needs a priority.
1 Make Yourself a Priority
When healing from a breakup, it's vital that you take care of your mental and physical health. What you do with your body makes a huge difference in how you feel, says Preston Ni, a professor and author of "The Break-Up Cure: 7 Ways to Heal & Find Happiness Again" on the website, Psychology Today. For example, rather than mope around, go for a jog, hike or bike ride. Exercise releases endorphins, which will improve your outlook. Eat a healthy diet and get enough sleep. Do things that help you relax and feel better, such as getting a massage or taking a hot shower.
2 Cut Him Loose
Stop all communication with your ex. Don't text, call or hang out with him. Don't ask other people how he's feeling or what he's been doing. Don't check up on him via social media outlets. De-friend him, his friends and his family from these accounts to avoid the temptation of snooping. Knowing where he's been or who he's been with isn't going to help you move on with your life.
3 Seek Support in Others
Reach out to your best friend, a family member or someone you trust. When a person in pain isolates oneself, the pain becomes greater, says Jenise Harmon, a psychotherapist and author of "Finding Healing When You're Broken" on the World of Psychology website. Let others be there to support, love and comfort you. Leaning on other people helps a person to come to terms with one's pain and makes one feel loved, says Harmon. Talk about how you feel and know that you are not alone as you rebuild your life.
4 Move Forward
Do activities and things that you enjoy and discover new pastimes, suggests Susan J. Elliott, a lawyer and author of "Getting Past Your Breakup: "How to Turn a Devastating Loss Into the Best Thing That Ever Happened to You" and cited in "9 Ways to Rebuild Your Identity After a Breakup" on the website, YourTango. Now would be a good time to sign up for the cooking class you've been meaning to take or fulfill your love of trail running. Participating in new activities is also a great way to make new friends.