How to Convince Your Mom to Let Your Friend Come Over

It's the weekend, and you and your friend are excitedly making plans together for a great Friday night. However, you realize there may be a possibility that your mother will say no to your request. Carefully consider how to approach your mother for permission to have a friend over. Respectful conversations will prove to your mom that you are a mature and responsible individual that deserves to make her own plans and have a little fun.
Plan your night out carefully before presenting the idea to your mom. Talk to your friend and ask her what she would like to do. Consider a movie, board game, television marathon or a spa night. Showing your mom that you have a responsible agenda for hanging out will help her feel more at ease.
Consider why you think there is a possibility that your mom would say no. She may have planned a family night, or think your friend is a bad influence or that you haven't been on your best behavior lately. According to licensed clinical psychologist Dr. Nancy Weisman, parents and children should be open with each other in order to have a clear relationship. Ask her if there is an acceptable time for your friend to visit, and what her objections are. Whatever her reason may be, be prepared to gently discuss it with a mature response, and also respect her side the story.
Provide your mother with your friend's parents' contact information. If she feels wary of your planned night, encourage her to call and discuss it with your buddy's mom and dad. Suggest inviting them over for dinner while you and your friend hang out. It may be uncomfortable at first, but it will make future plans easier if your parents are on friendly terms.
Be on your best behavior before asking your mom to let you invite your friend over. Clean your room, do your homework, help with laundry and take the garbage out. Proving that you are a responsible person will give her a reason to trust you with more responsibility, as well as space to grow up and become more independent.
- If your mother says no to your request, take her decision with grace. Avoid yelling, accusations and poor body language. Accepting her decision maturely will help you in the future when you want to ask again.
- 1 CNN: How to Ground a 'Helicopter Parent'
- 2 Closing the Gap: A Strategy For Bringing Parents and Teens Together; Jay McGraw