Themes for a Prayer Breakfast
29 SEP 2017

A prayer breakfast is a way to share burdens before God while also enjoying good food with others. These gatherings can feel more special with a theme that is timely, personal and biblical. Look to the Bible for examples of festivals that people used to connect with God, or consider themes that are based more on the calendar, church vision or a specific ministry.
1 Vision-Seeking
Vision-seeking themes can help create a deeper context for your breakfast. Set a reflective tone during the meal by asking participants to talk about what they are thankful for that God has done in your church. When everyone is done eating, ask people to share questions they have about the year coming up. Begin praying together and share those praises and concerns with God.
2 Educational
Encourage prayers for the schools and educators in your region by creating a cross-generational breakfast theme. Pass out yearbooks and ask people to look through the pictures while they eat, slowly considering the different people on each page. Divide into groups, and ask the youngest and the oldest members to share words of praise for how God is working behind-the-scenes in each person's life. Pray for the curriculum, relationships, safety and spiritual growth over the students and administration.
3 Political
Identify the Christians in your local government or civil service organizations who have integrity in their relationship with God. Invite them to speak during the breakfast session about the various challenges facing your community. Allow each of these individuals to pray for their area of service, or ask them to sit down so your church can pray over them.
4 Financial
Create a financial theme by using the breakfast portion of your time to teach basic financial principles and budgeting. Conclude the study by assigning individuals into pairs or groups and challenging people to pray for others in their group. You can focus on specific needs or generally address a submission to God in the area of finances.