Prayer Calendar Ideas
29 SEP 2017

Creating a calendar for prayer can give form and structure to a family time that otherwise might simply remain on your “to do” list. Center your monthly prayer calendar around a specific theme or seasonal holidays. If you plan your calendar day by day, consider giving each day a special prayer theme, or offer your prayers in honor of family, friends and others in need.
1 Daily Calendars
Model your daily prayer calendar on ideas offered by Mike and Amy Nappa in their publication “Creative Family Prayer Times: 52 Fun Ways to Pray Together.” For this prayer calendar, you needn’t create a year’s worth of daily prayers. Create a month’s worth or use the ideas for special weekdays designated as family prayer days. Some of the daily themes the Nappas suggest include adoration, forgiveness, praying for others, praying outdoors, praising God and The Lord’s Prayer. Their suggestions are meant to help your family focus your daily prayer time around a variety of topics.
2 Monthly Theme Calendars
Create a monthly prayer calendar, dedicating each month’s prayers to a different theme. Focus one month on God’s love, another on God’s forgiveness, and another on obedience to God’s will, for example. Use some days to emphasize scripture related to the month’s theme. Dedicate other days to examples of the theme as they manifest in your family or community, praying for family members and neighbors. Use the final days of each month to turn your attention inward, focusing individual, silent prayer on a more perfect, personal understanding of the monthly theme.
3 Prayer Request Calendars
Create a calendar centered on prayer requests offered by family and friends. Assign each day on your calendar to a family member, and have him bring his personal request or a request for a friend or community member to the family. This way, each family member not only bears responsibility for fulfilling your family’s prayer time, but also has an opportunity to support the needs of others. This prayer calendar idea can be further personalized by having family members plan entire weeks or months of daily prayer.
4 Holidays and Special Event Calendars
Marry your family prayer calendar with the special events and holidays usually listed on commercially produced calendars. For each month, allow family members to select from the variety of multi-denominational holidays and celebrations, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations and other events (you will have no trouble finding something for every day). Have them prepare a special prayer relating to that holiday or special event in which to lead the entire family. This prayer calendar idea will provide a platform for teaching your children about other religious groups' traditions and practices as well as honoring special family celebrations.