Theme Ideas for the Month of September
23 JUL 2018

Trendy backpacks, new school supplies and students eager to learn mark the beginning of another exciting school year. With it comes the potential for themed learning that fits this transition time. From seasonal topics to character building exercises, you can find plenty of September lesson plans for preschool through high school students.
1 Highlight the Fall Season
The cooler weather and changing leaves are a natural choice when searching for September themes. You have several options for decorating the classroom with fall leaves, apples, harvest baskets and pumpkins. Beyond all of the crafts and songs about the fall season, you can use the theme for educational activities. Nature walks at various points throughout the month gives the students of all ages a chance to observe the changes happening firsthand. You can also explore why leaves change colors and fall off the trees in autumn.
2 Character Building Lessons
The beginning of the school year is an ideal time to build a community and reinforce the types of behaviors you expect in the classroom from day one. Use a theme of character building to emphasize the traits you expect the kids to show, such as honesty, trust, respect, fairness, compassion and citizenship. Explore each of these traits with examples from the classroom. Role-playing gives the students a chance to practice those traits. Your September themes can include creating posters or other displays with the students to decorate the classroom and serve as reminders of the behavior expectations.
3 Recognizing Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day is the first Sunday following Labor Day each September. The goal is to recognize grandparents and their contributions to families and society. The holiday naturally leads to September themes based on family. You can focus specifically on grandparents, or expand the theme to include the structures of families. Include projects related to grandparents, such as having the kids interview their grandparents or inviting them into the classroom. Consider the varying family structures in our societies, such as adoptions and step-families. You can also research how family structures have changed over the years, including the sizes of families and varying roles that grandparents that play.
4 Celebrate Hispanic Heritage
National Hispanic Heritage Month starts on Sept. 15. Bring attention to the yearly celebration by highlighting the history and culture of Mexico, Spain, Central America, South America and the Caribbean. Your September themes can include hanging posters and artifacts that show aspects of the Hispanic culture. Play Hispanic music and teach some Hispanic dance steps. For older students, you can plan research projects to learn more about Hispanic history. Invite community members familiar with Hispanic history, arts and culture to speak to the students.