How to Talk to Girls at an Amusement Park

Amusement parks offer a fun place to meet people.
... George Doyle/Stockbyte/Getty Images

Make sure you show up to an amusement park with a few of your closest friends to help boost your confidence for talking to girls. One of your friends can play "wingman" in case things don't go as smoothly as you anticipate. If you have a sister or female friend, girls at the amusement park may find your group more approachable and possibly come up to you first. Otherwise, start with the basics.

1 Use Your Manners

Amusement parks are notorious for being packed full of fun-seeking groups of people and plenty of opportunity to literally bump into people around you. The chances of you running into a gal or two are huge, so use your manners to spark some conversation. For example, after colliding with her say, "excuse me" or "pardon me," make sure she's okay to show you're considerate and follow up by introducing yourself and asking for her name.

2 Show Self-Confidence

Don't be afraid to walk up to a group of girls, even if you just want to talk to one of them. Some girls feel more comfortable in their group, and that's fine because you can address them all at once. For example, you might walk up to them and say, "Hi ladies, are we having a nice time?" Girls find confidence attractive and admire guys that can handle any situation, suggests relationship coach John Alex Clark on In fact, all it takes to build self-confidence is an act of effort, says psychologist Carl Pickhardt on the "Psychology Today" website.

3 Ask Questions

Once you've made your introductions or act of effort, ask the gal what kind of rides she likes to go on or if she would like to join you on a ride -- maybe the good old-fashioned ferris wheel or roller coaster. It's natural for either one of you to be nervous, but by focusing on her and asking questions, it should help ease the tension. You could also offer to win her a stuffed animal or a prize. Ask her if she's hungry and offer to buy her a deep-fried Twinkie or some cotton candy.

4 Saving Face

Not every girl is going to be receptive of your outgoing personality or attempts at socializing, but that shouldn't stop you from trying again. Embarrassment can befall anyone during flirtation, asserts clinical professional counselor Joyce Marter on PsychCentral. To recover in these situations, Marter suggests remembering you're human and nobody's perfect; don't sweat the small stuff -- rejection isn't going to kill you or end the world. Take it as a learning experience and consider the idea that what doesn't work with one girl may work with another.

Kimberly Liby has been a content writer and editor since 2006, with articles in "944" magazine. She has written on a range of topics including cooking, health, current events, philosophy, psychology, career, education, writing and editing. Liby holds a Bachelor of Arts in English literature with a writing minor from Arizona State University, and a Master of Science in psychology from the University of Phoenix.
