Star of the Week Ideas for Teachers

Kids enjoy having a chance in the spotlight. The star-of-the-week concept gives each student a week to share a bit of him or herself with the rest of the class. Students feel a sense of pride when they are able to take center stage, and the class has the chance to become more of a community by celebrating each other. The specific activities selected for the star of the week program depend on the ages of the kids, the resources available and the amount of time you wish to devote to the project.
1 Activity Bag
A bag full of treats and activities begins the week for the class star. Options for the activity bag are varied. Ideas include a letter of congratulations, questionnaire about the child's interests, a game the child can play at home and small treats such as bookmarks or candy. A decorated canvas bag with a zipper or backpack works well to hold these items. The activity bag goes home with the child either on the Friday before his week or the Monday that begins his week as the classroom star.
2 Bulletin Board
A Star of the Week bulletin board provides a spot in the classroom for displaying the child's information. A large star that serves as a frame for the child's picture offers a focal point of the board. The child can bring a picture from home, or you can take a picture with your own camera in the classroom. Other ideas to add to the bulletin board include the questionnaire from the child, his or her artwork and extra photos from home. For an interactive element, allow the other students to write special notes or positive comments about the star of the week. The notes can be pinned to the bulletin board throughout the week so everyone can read them.
3 Classroom Duties
Special classroom duties provide the star of the week a sense of pride and importance. Allowing the star to handle these responsibilities also prevents complaining from other students who want to do these jobs. Ideas for special classroom duties include leading circle time, serving as line leader, passing out papers and selecting center activities.
4 Sharing Time
Sharing time ranks high on the list of favorite classroom activities for most kids. Allowing the star of the week to have a special sharing time provides each child with the chance to share without taking a large chunk of classroom time. Designating a particular day each week for the star's sharing time ensures that each child eventually has the spotlight. Encourage the children to bring in four or five items that play an important role in their lives or represent them as people. Students should be prepared to explain the significance of the items, as well as answer questions from classmates.
5 Special Lunch
Special lunch privileges offer a simple idea for concluding the week. Ideas for the lunch include eating with the teacher, inviting one friend to eat in the classroom or inviting a parent or other relative to lunch at the school. Young children find these options special because they are a break from the normal lunch period. Allow the Star of the Week to select his or her preferred lunch option.