Patterns to Make Church Banners
29 SEP 2017

Banner ministry is a growing outreach opportunity for many churches. Your church can use banner ministry to build community in the congregation and get kids excited and involved in worship. To keep costs down, look for banner patterns that include all the materials needed. You may even find free banner patterns that you can customize to suit your church's needs.
1 Worship
Choose banner patterns to help celebrate important worship services, such Easter and Christmas. Choose banner patterns to highlight important moments, such as the angels singing Hallelujah or the scene at the inn. Add matching banner patterns with the appropriate message, such as "For unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord."
2 Wedding
Show those who join their lives together in marriage the support of the church by creating wedding banners from patterns. Use ivory and gold and white and silver to help decorate the sanctuary and to remind everyone of the importance of the occasion. Choose patterns that inspire, with sayings such as "Now these three things remain: Faith, Hope and Love. But the greatest of these is Love." Consider making matching personalized banners for the wedding couple.
3 Mission
Mission banner patterns reflect God's call to reach out to those outside the church. Choose mission banner patterns that show people with different skin tones. In addition, look for banner patterns with timely messages to keep mission in the minds of all who see the banners, such as"Whatever you did for the least of these, you did for Me."
4 Youth
Kids of all ages love animals and Noah's Ark patterns are bright and colorful. Choose a banner that shows a scene of the ark, or choose one that reflects the dove retuning to the ark with an olive branch in its beak. You can also choose a banner reflecting Joseph and his coat of many colors. This banner reflects Joseph wearing his multi-colored coat, with his brothers in the background.