How to Obtain a Class D Security License

A Class D security license is necessary to perform unarmed private security guard services in the state of Florida. Chapter 493 of the Florida statutes establishes the essential requirements for the license, which is issued and regulated by the Division of Licensing of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. While it's not necessary to hold a Class D license to act as a bodyguard, the license is needed to work for a Class B private security company as an unarmed guard. Such jobs include guarding entrances to buildings, parking garages and commercial yards. Working as an armed guard, carrying a firearm, requires a Class G license in addition to the Class D license..
Complete the required training, which consists of 40 hours delivered by an instructor with a Class DI license. You can complete all 40 hours before you apply for the license, but the state also permits you to apply after completing just 24 hours provided you finish the final 16 hours within 180 days. There are several schools that provide the training for a tuition of around $100 - $150.
Secure a passport-size color photo to submit with your application. You can usually have one made quickly in a mall or shopping center.
Have your fingerprints taken. The traditional way to do this is to visit a law enforcement agency that performs such services and have your fingerprints manually printed on a card. Alternatively, you can have your fingerprints digitally scanned and entered directly into the system at a participating sheriff's office, one of the Licensing Division's seven regional offices, or a private vendor. The cost of digitally scanning your fingerprints is generally from $35 to $42, but may be higher at a private vendor. You will be provided documentation of the electronic fingerprint scan, and may also receive a photocopy of your fingerprints.
Submit your application. The application can be submitted to your nearest branch of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services or to the main office in Tallahassee. You must include proof of training, the passport-size photo, the documentation of your electronic fingerprint scan and receipt for the fee paid, and a $45 licensing fee. If you were manually fingerprinted, include the fingerprint card and an additional $42 to process it; if your fingerprints were electronically scanned into the system, no additional fingerprint processing fee is required.
Complete additional training if necessary. If you submitted your application after completing only 24 hours of initial training, you must complete the additional 16 required hours (usually in a two-day program) within 180 days of the date your application is submitted. As with the initial training, these hours must come from a state-licensed security training facility. In most cases, you can complete your training with the same company that provided your initial training. Additional tuition fees may apply.