How to Find My IP on a MacBook

Identify the internal IP address of a MacBook from the command line or in System Preferences.
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To connect another computer on your network to your MacBook using an application like VNC, or to stream media from the MacBook, you need to know the internal IP address for your machine. Find the internal IP address in the Network section of the MacBook System Preferences. You can also find the internal IP by executing the “ifconfig” command from a command prompt. Use an IP finder Web site such as WhatsMyIP to find the external IP address for your network.

1 Internal IP - Method 1

2 Click the Apple icon

Click the “Apple” icon in the top left corner of the MacBook desktop, and then click the “System Preferences” option. The System Preferences screen displays.

3 Click the Network icon in the Internet Wireless section

Click the “Network” icon in the Internet & Wireless section to view the available networks.

4 Click the Airport option

Click the “Airport” option in the left navigation menu to view the IP address of a wireless connection, or click the “Ethernet” option to view the IP address of a wired connection.

5 Click the tab labeled TCP IP

Click the tab labeled “TCP/IP.” View the IP address of the MacBook in the TCP/IP screen.

6 Internal IP - Method 2

7 Open a Terminal window on the MacBook

Open a Terminal window on the MacBook.

8 Type

Type the following command at the command prompt.

9 Ifconfig grep

ifconfig | grep "inet " | grep -v

10 Command strips

This command strips unnecessary information and shows only the "inet" entry, which is the internal IP address for the MacBook.

11 Press the Enter key

Press the “Enter” key to execute the command. The IP address of the MacBook displays next to the “inet” label on the screen.

12 External IP

13 Open a Web browser on the MacBook

Open a Web browser on the MacBook.

14 Navigate

Navigate to an IP detection Web site such as WhatsMyIP (link in Resources).

15 Displayed prominently on the Web page

View your external IP address displayed prominently on the Web page in the browser.

  • If DHCP is configured on your network, your internal IP address may periodically change. Additionally, the external IP address is “leased” from your ISP. The external IP address is renewed with a new address when the lease expires.

Randall Blackburn has worked for several Fortune 1000 companies as a technical writer over the past seven years. He has produced a wide variety of technical documentation, including detailed programming specifications and research papers. Randall has also acquired several years' experience writing web content. Randall lives and works in Austin, TX.
