Ohio Taxidermy Schools
7 AUG 2017

Taxidermists provide a service that allows hunting and fishing enthusiasts to display realistic trophies of their accomplishments. According to Taxidermy.net, the term taxidermy describes the many methods of "reproducing a lifelike, three-dimensional representation of an animal for permanent display." In many instances, taxidermists use actual parts of the animal such as the fur, feathers or scales. Sometimes, they work exclusively with man-made materials.
1 Saul Taxidermy
Saul Taxidermy & Tannery offers four classes that feature one-on-one instruction and flexible class schedules. The classes offered are deer shoulder mounts, waterfowl and upland birds, turkeys and life-size animals. All Saul Taxidermy courses are instructed by an Ohio first place award winning taxidermist and any projects that are completed during the courses are yours to keep. During these courses students learn how to properly skin, preserve, mount and finish animals. The waterfowl and life-size animals courses also feature habitat creation instruction, so that students can create natural artistic settings for their works.
Saul Taxidermy 3595 Cicero Rd. Edgerton, OH 43517 419-553-0143 saultaxidermy.com
2 Nature's Canvas
Nature's Canvas Taxidermy offers one-on-one instructional workshops for beginner or novice students. Courses cover game heads, birds and turkeys. Students supply their own specimens, and class fees include all other materials. In the game heads class, students learn how to skin a deer head, salt and prepare a skin for the tannery and mount the head for display. The birds and turkeys course instructs students on proper skinning, cleaning and mounting methods, as well as habitat design.
Nature's Canvas Taxidermy Thompson, OH 44142 440-298-1393 naturescanvas.net
3 Old Heritage
Old Heritage offers online taxidermy courses specializing in bird replication. According to the school's website, students learn how to prepare, skin, mount and finish standing upland birds using up-to-date and accredited standards. Students learn online at their own pace, but can contact instructors for additional support. Old Heritage imposes a six-month time limit to complete class requirements. The course covers six sections, including work organization, preparation, skinning a bird, preserving, mounting and finishing.
Old Heritage Taxidermy Online Courses taxidermyschoolsonline.com