Kentucky Game Warden Requirements
4 OCT 2017

Game wardens in Kentucky are also known as wildlife officers and are responsible for enforcing hunting, trapping, fishing and boating laws. Game wardens protect animals and their habitats, investigate complaints, prosecute violators of the law and patrol hunting and fishing areas within their jurisdiction. Kentucky game wardens may also investigate automobile accidents that involve wildlife. Education, training, testing and experience requirements must be met to become a Kentucky game warden.
1 Education
Kentucky game warden applicants must be at least 21 years old and possess a valid driver's license. They must complete police academy training and hold a bachelor's degree in the biological sciences, natural sciences, recreation or agriculture.
Application for employment in Kentucky with the U.S. Department Of Fish and Wildlife requires an undergraduate degree in biology or criminal justice. Applicants must also submit to drug testing and a background check.
Kentucky game warden applicants are required to score at lease an 80 percent on a test administered by the Kentucky Department Of Fish and Wildlife Resources. Once an applicant has passed the test and completed police training, a 12-week field training course must be completed.
Apply for Kentucky game warden positions through the Kentucky Deprtament of Fish and Wildlife Resources.
2 Experience
Game wardens in Kentucky must have at least four years of experience working with wildlife resources, agriculture, recreation or natural resources. They must uphold the law and may need to make arrests, so they must have experience in law enforcement, including conducting criminal investigations and making criminal arrests. Applicants that hold a degree in agriculture, recreation, biologic sciences or natural sciences may substitute this education for the required wildlife field experience in Kentucky. There are no substitutes for law enforcement experience and police academy training.
3 Physical Requirements
Game wardens have a physically demanding job. The majority of a Kentucky game warden's time is spent outside, either in the woods or patrolling areas surrounding local lakes. The physical requirements for a game warden are consistent with those of police officers. He must bench press at least 64 percent of his body weight, complete 18 situps within one minute, run 300 meters in less than 65 seconds, complete 20 pushups with no time limit, run a half-mile in less than 17 minutes and 12 seconds, complete a 100-yard swim and tread water for 10 minutes. Firearm and weapons training and defensive-tactics training are required as well.