Game Warden Requirements in Mississippi
4 OCT 2017

A Mississippi conservation officer--in the state of Mississippi, "game wardens" are referred to as conservation officers--enforces the state’s environmental laws concerning natural habitats, fish and wildlife, hunting and fishing regulations, and Mississippi’s public parks and waterways.
In addition, conservation officers also serve as teachers and public-relations officials for the state’s Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks (MDWFP) in the field. As they communicate directly with hunters, fishers, boaters, hikers, and other outdoors enthusiasts, conservation officers are the most visible representatives of the MDWFP.
To apply for the position of conservation officer in Mississippi, certain requirements must be met.
1 Basic Requirements
All applicants must be at least 21 years old and have a valid Mississippi driver’s license or driver’s license from a contiguous state. Applicants must not have been convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor of moral turpitude, or have been discharged dishonorably from the U.S. Armed Forces. Applicants should be prepared to pass a thorough background check, a drug test and a physical examination. Applicants must be able to swim at a basic level.
2 Educational Requirements
Conservation officer applicants must have successfully completed 64 semester hours at an accredited community college or university, or they must have earned an associate degree from an accredited community college. Alternately, they must have graduated from the Mississippi Law Enforcement Officers’ Training Academy and must have at least five years experience in law enforcement.
3 How to Apply
Conservation officer openings are posted at the State Personnel Board (SPB). Current listings can be found at: Access to the SPB’s online application can be found and filed at: For more information regarding application, requirements, and job duties, please consult the state’s Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks.
If selected for the position, all applicants must complete 10 weeks of law enforcement training that pertains specifically to work with wildlife, fisheries and parks.
4 Contact Information for Further Inquiry
Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks 1505 Eastover Dr. Jackson, MS 39211 601-432-2400
Mississippi State Personnel Board Robert G. Clark, Jr. Building 301 North Lamar St., Suite 203 Jackson, MS 39201 601-359-1406 601-359-2729 (fax)
Mississippi Department of Public Safety Law Enforcement Officer's Training Academy 3791 Hwy. 468 West Pearl, MS 39208 601-933-2100 601-933-2159 (fax)