How to Make a Prayer Blanket
29 SEP 2017

Prayer blankets are created and given by Christians to people in need of care, blessings and love. The prayer blanket could be given to an elderly person who is ill for comfort. It could be given as a blessing of happiness to a couple on their wedding day. A prayer blanket is cherished as the people who make the blanket, pray for the person who will receive it. Prayer blanket ministries have been established by various congregations and in some cases, tens of thousands of blankets have been sent to people with blessing and prayers. It is simple to create a prayer blanket for someone special.
1 Creating a Prayer Blanket
2 Invite at least one other person
Invite at least one other person to assist in creating the prayer blanket. It should be someone who knows or cares for the future recipient of the blanket.

3 Decide the type
Decide the type of blanket you wish to give. The easiest method is to purchase a blanket made of soft and warm material, such as fleece. This is just as worthy as hand-making a blanket. If you wish to make a blanket, there are many choices such as crocheting and knitting a blanket from wool or yarn, or also by sewing a blanket from various fabrics.
4 Create a sewing or knitting bee
Create a sewing or knitting bee with the people who are creating the prayer blanket. Take your time and enjoy the work.
5 Pray while you make the blanket
Pray while you make the blanket. The objective is to pray for the health and well being of the individual who will receive the blanket. With every stitch made, send blessings to the person. A similar process of praying should take place if the blanket is purchased.
6 Is made and prayed over
Once the blanket is made and prayed over, it should be take to a Diocese and blessed. Then it is ready to be delivered or mailed to the recipient.