What Is the Proper Amount to Give for a Memorial for the Deceased?

Honor deceased loved ones with a gift to their favorite charity.
... George Doyle/Stockbyte/Getty Images

As tragic as the loss of a loved one is, some people prefer to make the world a better place by requesting memorial gifts in their names or the names of their deceased loved ones. While giving to these charity funds is an honorable action, it can be difficult to decide the proper amount to donate in memory of a loved one.

1 Level of Closeness

The proper amount to give for a memorial is dependent upon the nature of your relationship to the person. Donate a large gift if you were very close. Offer a nominal amount as a token of respect for someone you did not know very well.

  • 1 Emily Post's Etiquette, 18; Peggy Post, Anna Post, Lizzie Post and Daniel Post Senning.

Sara Schmidt has contributed to various print and online publications, including "Valley Scene Magazine" and Daily Kos. She is a graduate of Southeast Missouri State University.
