How to Donate Pet Medications

Dog getting eye drops administered.
... Fly_dragonfly/iStock/Getty Images

If you have pet medication on your hands you don't need, donating it makes it useful to someone. Veterinarians and animal shelters might use unused medications. Shelter employees are in need of donations of all kinds for the animals in their care, and veterinarians may give the medication to clients who are financially unable to buy it.

Make sure the medication is unused and not past its expiration date.

Call the veterinary clinic or humane society to see what types of medication it needs. Some only accept opened medications as long they're in the original packaging; others have rules against accepting medications that require refrigeration.

Check for donation days and times. Shelters and clinics often accept medication donations only during certain times of the day so the transfer can be monitored. Visit the shelter or veterinary clinic during drop-off times to donate your medications.

Brooke Julia has been a writer since 2009. Her work has been featured in regional magazines, including "She" and "Hagerstown Magazine," as well as national magazines, including "Pregnancy & Newborn" and "Fit Pregnancy."
