Requirements to Graduate High School in Colorado

The requirements to graduate from high school in Colorado vary by district. The Colorado Department of Education has established guidelines that districts abide by when determining local requirements. A guidance counselor can assist you in developing a plan to meet the requirements to graduate from high school.
1 Minimum Course Requirements
Potential high school graduates in Colorado must meet the minimum course requirements to be eligible for graduation. Colorado Department of Education allows for each district to set the minimum course work that must be completed for graduation. The minimum course requirements vary according to the type of school. For example, an alternative school may require 22 credits for a student to graduate, while the number of credits for a charter school can be as low as 20. Your school counselor can assist you in determining how many credits you need to graduate.
2 Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP) Test
Some schools in Colorado may require a student to successfully pass all or portions of the Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP) test to graduate. The CSAP test measures a student's proficiency in reading, mathematics, science and writing. Although a student may be tested on all four sections, some schools may require only one section to graduate. Check with your school counselor to determine if passing the CSAP test is a requirement to graduate.
3 Additional Requirements
Some schools and districts may have additional requirements for a student to qualify for graduation. Students may be required to register to vote and provide proof of registration to the school to graduate. Students under the age of 18 may have to submit a statement acknowledging they know how to obtain a voter registration card and intend to do so. A potential graduate may also have to complete a career plan. The career plan should include a financial plan to pay for post-secondary education.
4 Modification and Waiver of Requirements
Colorado Department of Education allows students who feel the requirements to graduate are unjust to apply for a modification or waiver of the requirements. The principal of the student's school determines whether the modification or waiver is necessary for a student to achieve his educational goals. Although the waivers are available, the Department of Education prefers the waivers to be distributed on a limited basis.