Employment Specialist Certification Programs

Employment specialists are an integral part of an organization’s human resources team. They are primarily responsible for recruiting prospective employees and specific duties may include screening candidates, checking references and formally extending job offers. Certification as an employment specialist is an important step toward advancement in the field.
1 Michigan State University
Michigan State University's employment training specialist certification program is a one-week workshop designed to teach skills in job coaching, employer negotiations and employment planning. Attendees must attend all sessions and complete a skills-based test, and certification is available for an additional fee.
Michigan State University Supported Employment Training and Technical Assistance Program Department of Family & Child Ecology 125 W. Fee Hall East Lansing, MI 48824 517-355-0166 fce.msu.edu
2 Human Services Management Institute
For employment specialists and job coaches who work with clients with disabilities, the Human Services Management Institute at the University of Georgia offers an online employment specialist certification program. It is a 40-week, 160-hour course consisting of online instruction, job-based assignments and discussion sessions. Upon completion of the course, participants will know how to best assist clients with disabilities in getting and keeping jobs, as well as how to address negative employer attitudes.
Human Services Management Institute Office of Research, Development and Outreach 850 College Station Road Athens, GA 30602 866-248-4764 coe.uga.edu
3 HR Certification Institute
The HR Certification Institute offers several core certifications, including the professional in human resources, or PHR, designation. A certified PHR has demonstrated experience and knowledge of human resource practices and U.S. laws and regulations. Earning a PHR certification can be valuable to employment specialists, whose jobs require them to be well versed in affirmative action and equal employment opportunity guidelines. The certification exam is available at testing centers worldwide and consists of 225 multiple-choice questions. Members of the Society for Human Resource Management are eligible for scholarships to offset the cost of taking the examination.
HR Certification Institute 1800 Duke St. Alexandria, VA 22314 866-898-4724 hrci.org