How to Obtain a CDA in Broward County, Florida

Early-childhood development professionals are required to obtain certification in areas related to their field of work. Broward County, Florida's childcare facilities adhere to state-mandated standards that also conform to national guidelines. Child development associates can meet educational training requirements through a combination of online and in-class instruction. In addition to coursework, CDA candidates must also complete a short one-time practicum and an annual in-service session to maintain their certifications.
- Florida Introductory Child Care training
- Florida Early Literacy and Language Development training
- Annnual in-service training
1 Educational Requirements
Complete state-mandated introductory child care training or its equivalent. For entry-level employee candidates, this requirement is fulfilled by beginning classwork within 90 days of employment and completing it within one calendar year. The requirement may be satisfied by passing a competency examination or gaining an education equivalency exemption within the initial 90-day period. The number of class-hours depends on the certification level pursued.
Complete a five-clock hour or equivalent .5-unit continuing education requirement in early literacy and language development. Instruction includes literacy and language development in children from birth to the age of five years.
Attend and complete a 1.0-credit hour or 10 clock-hour in-service training session between July 1 and June 30 each fiscal year. Examples of selected topics are infant and child CPR, nutrition, child care for multi-lingual children, child abuse and working with families.