How to Get Your Parents to Let You Go Out on a Friday Night

As you get older, you're going to want to do more activities with your friends. It would be nice if your parents just let you go out every Friday night -- no questions asked -- but that's probably not going to be the case most of the time. However, getting your parents to let you go out on a Friday night can be an easier task than expected over time with a little thought. Make the effort to build a good relationship with your parents. Your social life will thank you.
1 Be Mature and Responsible
If you're going to be out on a Friday night with your friends, your parents want to know that you'll be safe and make good decisions without them being there. This level of trust isn't something that's going to develop overnight. You're going to have to be conscious about what you're saying and what your actions are showing your parents -- all the time. Being responsible includes associating with friends who are responsible themselves, according to child behavioral therapist James Lehman in the “Empowering Parents” article “Does Your Child Have Toxic Friends? Six Ways to Deal With the Wrong Crowd.” Your parents are more likely to let you go out on a Friday night if they feel comfortable with the kids you're going to be with.
2 Be Honest About Your Plans
Another part of being responsible is being open and honest with your parents, according to psychologist Phillip "Dr. Phil" McGraw in the article “Develop a Healthy Relationship With Your Teen/Parent” on It's important to tell your parents the truth about where you'll be going, who you'll be going with and what you'll be doing. It'll be better for them to know the details ahead of time than for them to hear about them later or from someone else. If you're worried your parents are going to use your honesty against you, bring that point up in hopes of opening communication, McGraw says.
3 Be Mindful of When You Ask
When you're asking your parents to let you go out on a Friday night, timing is everything. If your mom is stressed out or tired when you bring up the subject, there's a much greater chance she will say no. Before you approach, make sure the parent you're asking is in a good mood, suggests inspirational speaker Hanaan Rosenthal in "The Huffington Post” article “10 Sure Ways to Get Whatever You Want From Your Parents.” It's also a good idea to see if she has time to talk to you about your plans before you start up a conversation.
4 Be Ready to Negotiate
Getting your parents to let you go out on a Friday night may take some bargaining. While you might feel like your parents hold all of the power and you have no bargaining chips, this isn't the case. Rosenthal says if you're going to ask for something, offer something in return. Try offering to get better grades in a certain subject or to do different chores in return for permission to go out with your friends. Remember to be specific about what you're going to do, and fulfill your promises to help show your parents that they can trust you.