How to Do a Cheer Poof

For your parents and grandparents, teased hair might bring to mind images of giant '80s bangs or '60s bouffants. But teased hair is a part of the uniform for cheerleaders, who sometimes wear their bangs in a style known as a cheer poof. They tease their long bangs straight up, then push them toward their faces and pin them in place to create a pompadour. A cheer poof keeps all your hair off your face while adding plenty of volume on top.
Place your clean, dry hair in a ponytail, keeping your bangs pulled out to create the cheer poof. If you already have product in your hair, you don't need to wash it out. You don't need to apply product prior to starting the poof.
Collect your bangs into a single section and brush them out to remove any tangles. Holding your bangs taut at the end of your bangs, pull them straight up above your forehead. Spray your bangs with a light mist of hairspray, protecting your eyes and skin by placing a tissue over your forehead without blocking your view.
Backcomb your bangs rapidly from tips to roots with a fine-tooth teasing comb, pushing the hair toward your scalp until it begins to tangle. The more you tease your hair, the larger bangs become.
Curl the ends of your bangs toward your scalp, curving them between your hairline and the crown of your head. Push the teased hair forward 1 to 2 inches to create volume at your hairline. Gently smooth the surface poof with the brush to hide the tangles.
Pin the ends of your bangs in place with as many bobby pins as you need to keep them secure. Do a jump to make sure they'll stay in place as it's unsafe for your bangs to flop and block your view during cheer moves.
Spray your poof with hairspray to hold it in place. Smooth any flyaways into the poof by running the palm of your hand over it. If you are wearing a bow, secure it on top of your head, just behind the poof, with the ends of the bow pointing toward your face.