Can You Email Files to the Nook?

Your Nook tablet supports the viewing of various file types that can be either sideloaded -- in other words, transferred from your computer over a USB connection -- or emailed to a personal account and downloaded as attachments. In order to use sideloading, you must have the Nook in your possession. With the emailing method, however, you can send your device documents even when it's not nearby.
1 Set Up Email
With the Nook's email app, you set up any POP or IMAP email account and use it to transfer documents via attachments. If you have never configured an email account, launch the Email app and follow the on-screen prompts to enter your email address and password, then allow the device to automatically configure the settings. If you're setting up multiple accounts, launch the Email app, tap "Add Account" and then repeat setup for the additional account.
2 Email Yourself
Use your computer or another device to attach and email yourself the files you would like to transfer. Once the email has finished sending, open the message using the Email app on your Nook and tap the attachment to open and download it to the device. You can access any file attachment long as it is a supported file type.
3 Supported File Types
Supported document types include PDF, EPUB, DRP, EPIB, FOLIO, OFIP, CBZ, TXT, RTF, LOG, CSV, EML, ZIP and all Microsoft Office file types. Supported audio formats are MP4, M4A, 3GP, AAC, MP3, FLAC, WAV, OGG and AMR. Video formats can include MP4, 3GP and WEBM. Photos may be viewed if they are saved as JPEG, GIF, PNG and BMP.