How to Bypass Prerequisites for Classes at a Community College

Community colleges depend upon prerequisites to ensure the quality of the classroom environment by screening out unprepared students. College prerequisites also protect individual students. Attending a class that you are insufficiently prepared for is a frustrating experience as well as a waste of your time and money. On the other hand, taking prerequisite courses can be a waste of time and money if your knowledge and experience makes them unnecessary. Community colleges have procedures in place that allow students to bypass prerequisites if they are qualified to do so.
1 Go online to the community college website
Go online to the community college website or visit the college the community college in person and find out what prerequisites are required. The prerequisites may require specific levels of reading, writing or math skills. Other prerequisites may require prior coursework before being admitted to a particular course.
2 Inquire
Inquire about the rules and regulations for bypassing prerequisites at your community college. Pick up a waiver form or other documentation required for the bypassing procedure.
3 Make an appointment
Make an appointment at the Assessment Center at your community college. If you think that your knowledge, background and experience makes certain prerequisite courses unnecessary, the Assessment Center provides the opportunity to test out of the courses. They will assess your skills and abilities and ask you to take a placement test.
4 Write your name
Write your name, student identification number and email address in the appropriate boxes. Read the instructions on the waiver. Check the box that pertains to the reason for bypassing the prerequisite. One section concerns placement levels relating to reading, writing and math skills. A second section of the waiver form relates to prerequisite requirements for a particular course. Provide the reasons why you should be allowed to bypass the prerequisites. For example, you have already taken the required courses at another college or university or you have tested out of the prerequisite.
5 Submit the proper evidence and documentation and with with the waiver form
Submit the proper evidence and documentation with with the waiver form. Include high school transcripts, transfer transcripts from other colleges or universities that you have attended, and ACT, SAT, TOEFL and CLEP scores if they are required.