How to Become a Flight Attendant in N.C.

Flight attendants are trained professionals who have knowledge about air safety and traffic regulations. Most flight attendants are patient, flexible and disciplined. To become a flight attendant in North Carolina (N.C), a person must have a high school diploma and eventually get certified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Know that potential employers may require their flight attendants have a college degree. To become a flight attendant in N.C., be sure to remember the following tips.
- High School Diploma
- Two or Four-year College Degree
- FAA Certification
1 Become a Flight Attendant in N.C.
2 Fullfill minimum employment requirements
Fullfill minimum employment requirements. Most employers in North Carolina will require a flight attendant to be a certain age. They also require attendants to be a certain weight and height, as well. Know that you must be at least 18-years old to work as a flight attendant in N.C. You must also have good vision, too. North Carolina standards maintain an applicant must have at least 20/30 vision.
3 Pass a series
Pass a series of "checks." To become a flight attendant in N.C., know that you will have to pass a series of tests before you are even allowed to be formally trained and certified. North Carolina flight attendants have to have a rigid background check that includes both criminal history, credit and reference checks. Some airlines will require a flight attendant take a polygraph test and psychological examination, as well.
4 Get certified
Get certified. Flight attendants, once they are hired by an employer, will have to undergo more than several weeks of certification and training. In N.C., training can last up to 8 weeks. Training facilities in North Carolina are located in Mooresville, Charlotte, Greensboro and Raleigh.
5 Speak two or three languages
Speak two or three languages. Airlines often prefer to hire flight attendants who speak more than one language. It is a good idea to be throughly familiar with Spanish, French and even Italian, if you can. Increase your earning potential by learning some Asian dialects, too. Many North Carolina cities have language training facilities. Boone, Salisbury and Durham are among the largest.
6 Have travel experience
Have travel experience. It might be a good idea to have some travel experience before attempting to become a flight attendant in N.C. Many working flight attendants have experience living in various North Carolina municipalities like Glen Raven, Hiddenite and Dozier. International travel experience is also desirable, as well.
- If you travel overseas, be sure to know about passport and customs procedures.
- Know how to handle stress.